Rep. Van Taylor Statement on Emergency Declaration

Press Release

Date: Feb. 20, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Following the request from Governor Greg Abbott, President Joe Biden approved Texas' request for a Major Disaster Declaration in 77 of the state's 254 counties. The Disaster Declaration includes Collin County. Following the Declaration, U.S. Congressman Van Taylor (TX-03) issued the following statement:

"Since severe weather hit early this week, I have witnessed the incredible kindness of Texans in Collin County and across the state. Neighbors have taken in strangers, friends have driven great distances to delivery firewood and supplies, and restaurants have delivered warm meals to those without. I've worked with city governments, county officials, and local community partners to help ensure Collin County communities and residents have the supplies and information needed to get through this storm.

"Temperatures may be rising, but this disaster is not over. In the coming weeks, federal assistance will be crucial as we begin to recover. I'm grateful to Governor Greg Abbott for requesting, and President Joe Biden for quickly approving the Emergency Declaration to deliver these desperately needed resources to our state.

"Our community is strong, and we will rebuild together."
